Georgio Wonders Who Santa Might Bring...
On the third neigh of Christmas, Georgio said to me, "I don't know about turtule doves, but is there an adopter out there for me?" I am not sure about that beatiful guy, but we will see what's under the tree! Georgio has been here several years, having been rescued just minutes before he was to load and be transported to the place that would have ended his Christmases forever. I will never forget his eye that day - he literally looked so broken it was as if he were crying. I am so grateful our paths intersected. He is senstive, intelligent, flashy, and tall. As he awaits his adopter, he will continue to be loved and enjoy his friends here. If you would like to send him anything special for his Christmas stocking - an apple, a salt lick, a carrot, or a bit of hay, he would love that. is the address - if you would like to send him something, please put his name on your donation and let me know what you wuold like him to have. Thank you. <3 We love you, Georgio!