Adorado Nino
Horse Rescue & Sanctuary
This PAGE is Being Extensively Revised & Updated - March 2022 - please come back again soon!
2. Through a LIFETIME LEASE;
3. Under Contract
A Lifetime Lease means that the Horse Stays at Adorado but that someone pays their expenses for Life. This option was actually inspired by the love that a special supporter had for Georgio. Two different homes were approved for Gorgeous Georgio, but his potential adopters ultimately decided not to take him home; and as more inquries came in, One Special person wanted to make sure he stayed and was 'her boy' for Life.

Some of our Adoptable Horses:

Georgio is Boarded here on a
Georgio is about 8 or 9 years old. He is a flashy gelding, and a big boy, even though he stands at 15.3 hands. He is sound, intelligent, and sensitive.
Georgio was sold at auction and his consigner said he had 60 days pro training. His history is, however, unknown.
Georgio has been ridden here, and even as his training continues, he will need need training to reach his potential under saddle. He requires an experienced rider. He is good for the farrier, and loves attention. AND he can JUMP - fences!
This horse is an absolute sweetheart - he follows me around the yard and whinnies when I approach his paddock.
As of August 2018, he is in saddle training at Adorado with Juliana and doing well.

Congratulations Cherylann!
I saved thisgelding through what can only be properly characterized as circumstances where intense sadness and startling relief collided. I had gone to the auction mart mid-week to pick up a 20 plus year old appy gelding who I had seen sell to a maat buyer at auctin the weekend before - the buyer was also the auction mart owner. That appy was described as a 20 something year old roping horse, while he was in the ring, and i was stunned when i saw the meat buyer's initials instead of a private buyer's card number on the digital auction board, and realized that no private buyer had gone for him - he sold for just over $200. I have since learned that older horses who have given their whole lives to serving people as loyal saddle horses are often thrown away at auction. As for this partiular appy, there was a lot that happened after that auction, but ultimately, I had gone to the auction yard to pick up this spotted grey senior, only to find out that he had died on the lot before I could get there . In shock, and having no time to really think, I asked if it was possible to buy another horse instead - and I could see the double decker freightliner literally arrving, when I agreed to buy a bue roan gelding, and another gelding, who i only had described to me as a "paint" ( and the beauty who would become to be known as our Georgio) sight unseen. And so, this stunning blue roan's life took an astounding turn, and was unexpectedly able to continue - only because another horses life had abruptly ended. Many horses who also had been at the lot at that very same moment, did not escape that horrible fate.
This horse was very confident - when I brought him and and Georgieo home from auction, they both had an uparalleled defeat and sadness in their eyes - as if they had seen aa glimpse of hell and thought they were going to the heart of it. And altthough Georgio had clear signs of having had to struggle in the stessful hierarchy that would have ensued amongst stressed horses at the aution lot - his coat missing where he had suffered bite marks - this gelding did not have even one mark on him.
His consignment sheet revealed absolutely no information or history. And because I had to have one of his teeth removed immediately due to a swelling on the side of his face - and based on the (massive!) tooth size, the vet who removed it after a first vet was unsuccessful, determined that this geliding was then about 5 to 6 years old. He had a stocky, solid build; and revealed himself to be very sensible and intelligent. Nothing muched phased him. And once he was able to join some friends, he had a settling effect on his group - he was the top horse, but reaching tha point wa relatively effortless for him. And with people, he was mostlly super quiet. Andbecause he somehow managed to grab the attention that so many horses could not, in those final minutes that would have seen him on to a trailer where the door would open to nothing but bleakness, and because he was just so hard to look away from once here, I named him Irrisistablue.
And - as you can see - he's been ridden while here! He has also been lunged and ground driven - thank you Juiiana! And altough nothing much phases Iri, he is actually what a pro trainer called, quite 'feely. He is sensitive to pressure, in terms of being asked to move off or pressure. Due to scheduling of a pro trainer and someone who flew in to see the session, he was assessed in about 100 kph wind gusts (June 2018), and was pretty chill. As of August, 2018, he is being trained at Adordo by Juliana; he is progressing nicely.